Thursday, April 20, 2006

Endearing Charms

Our high school alma mater was written by the mom of some good friends of mine and the words are to the tune of an old English tune called Endearing Charms. I'm putting together a slideshow from the 1956 yearbook the that music. I've said it before, but there's something about pictures and music that is touching. I got misty eyed tonight as I was editing the slideshow.
When I was in high school, I must have sang the Alma Mater a thousand times but I never REALLY paid attention to the words that Faye Thomas Bobo wrote, but looking back now through the years with some living under my belt, they ring very true.

The Dora High School Alma Mater by Faye Bobo
May the Blue and the Gold of our banner so bright
Fill our hearts full of joy and delight.
To our dear Alma Mater we'll ever be true
No matter what e'er be the tide.

We pledge all our love, and our loyalty, too
To maintain the high standards begun
May the Gold never tarnish, the Blue ne'er grow dim
'Til the goals of our hopes have been won.

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