Tuesday, July 31, 2007


School starts here in a few weeks and I asked my niece if she was ready. "I've been ready" she groused "I'm bored." Those are words you would not hear me say within earshot of my mother. I made that mistake once and she gave me a list of chores that kept me scurrying for hours. Go wiped down the clothesline, water the chickens, sweep the porch, and clean the glass in the front windows and when you get through with that come back because I have more stuff.
By the time I got through, I had learned my lesson. I thought to myself - I was born at night, but I wasn't born last night. She'll never hear me utter those words again as long as I live...and she never did.
The truth is, almost never got bored as a child. I didn't spend a lot of time indoors watching television because had I been in ear shot, I felt certain there was a list of stuff she'd need me to do so I was out and about. My friends and I explored the world around our community. I knew every creek, pond, mining hole, and tree swing within a ten mile radius. When I came home at night, I was usually tired and sweaty from the day's exploration.
When I asked my niece what's she'd done this summer she said she had slept. Hmmm - good thing she didn't grow up in our house.
So I guess it's a good thing that school is starting back soon cause if hear her complain about being bored, I'm going to find something for her to do.

1 comment:

  1. Invaluable analysis ! I loved the info ! Does someone know if my assistant could possibly grab a blank My Life Planning Workbook version to work with ?


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