Monday, October 22, 2007

Thankful For Every Drop

We had Monday night Yoga tonight and we drove through pouring rain. It's been so long since it last rained that I had forgotten how to turn on the windshield wipers. When we got to the community center the wind had the American flag at attention and the hoist ropes were clanging off the steel pole.
We sat under the drive through portico, rolled down the windows and listened to the rain. The wind out of the south blew a fine mist in my face and it felt heaven.
When I was in Panama it stayed hot and muggy most of the time. You never really got accustomed to the heat - it was like having a constant fever. Then one day I was riding my motorcycle across the Isthmus to visit friends on the other side of the country (about 50 miles) and it began to rain. Most of the time when it rained in Panama, a showers would blow up off the Pacific, soak everything, and the ten minutes later the sun was back out and it felt like a steam room. But this rain was different. The skies grew dark and the birds retreated to the jungle and the rain fell hard for many days. It was the only time I can ever remember being cold while I was there.
I know this rain will not replace the rain we have missed this year, but I am thankful for every drop.

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