Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Buy a Ticket

One of the action items I had from my meeting with the printer was to get a decent portrait made. I have a lot of pictures of me, but when I need a good photograph, I call my friend Don Fewell and his wife Gay.
We went down this evening and he shot about a dozen pictures that were just what I needed. As a bonus, we got to sit around and talk to our old friends for a while.
I'm excited and almost overwhelmed by the book project. All kinds of thoughts are racing through my head. Is the layout right? Is the title right? is the work good enough? Your mind is really good at this stuff. It knows where the cracks are in you armor and it picks away relentlessly.
Well, I'm going to do this thing. If it falls flat, then I'll pick up the pieces and move on. But it's like the old saying goes - you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket. I'm buying a ticket.

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