Saturday, March 07, 2009

Time's They Are A Changin'

The time changes tonight. I'll lose an hour of sleep, but when I wake up at my normal time tomorrow, I'll see something besides the moon and stars. This is good news for the Rickster, because I've fallen off the exercise wagon. I'm getting no where near the amount of exercise I need.
Walking first thing in the morning works best for me because it gets my juices flowing and I'm more prepared to face the day.
The weather today has been delightful. I looked out the window as I was pouring my morning coffee and the sky was overcast and it looked like rain. After sunrise, the clouds burned away and it looked like spring.
Another day or two like today and the bluebirds will be moving in. I saw them out last weekend checking out the lodging to make sure I had cleaned them properly. I plan to put up a few more houses tomorrow. I'll try to grab some pictures of my indigo colored friends.

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