Friday, December 07, 2012

RIP Uncle Marvin

Today is the 71 anniversary of my uncle Marvin Lee Ferguson's death. I remember it because he was on the USS California at Pearl Harbor which was one of the ships that went down on December 7, 1941.
I wasn't born then, but my mom told me her family took it hard. The loss of a son, the world thrown into a war that lasted almost four years, was hard on everyone.
All the pictures that survive of him show him tooling around the islands on a motor scooter, or posing in front of his ship with a crew of his friends. He looked so happy. Any why not? A young guy from one of the poorest states in America, signs his name on the dotted line, and soon he's off to see the world.
He was the youngest boy in a family of 13 kids. My mom was the middle child. She outlived all her siblings but she died this past February.
Last year on this date, when I stopped in for a visit, I asked her about Marvin Lee. She didn't remember a lot of the details, but the memories that came rushing back were painful for her.
Tonight as I write these words, I thought of all the 2402 souls that died in just a few hours there, and all the families that were forever changed.
RIP Uncle Marvin.

USS California sinking at Pearl Harbor


  1. even if your Uncle Marvin didn't survive to Pearl Arbour, he gave his life to save so many others. That is beautiful ! Thank you.

  2. You think that being on American soil is safe..but as history shows us the reality, we must never forget those that gave their lives in service. It makes me sad that we seem to forget Dec 7th in all the Christmas rush. Thanks for sharing this family history.


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