Friday, December 13, 2019

Happy Friday The 13th

I know this will date me, but the last horror movie I watched was 2000 Maniacs.  That was when it came to the Sumiton Drive-in in 1964. 

Nope, I didn't watch the Godzilla movies, Psycho, The Birds, or Night of the Living Dead.

I didn't even watch the Attach of the 50 Woman, but I must admit, I did spend some time admiring the poster.

Later, as horror movies evolved, I was a little older and many of my friends when to see horror films, but I never was a fan.

This post really has no point except to wish you all a happy Friday The 13th.


  1. I rarely do any movies, much less horror movies. I 'think' the last horror movie I saw was at the drive-in in the 1970s and featured killer bears. Suffice it to say that I never went out with that particular gentleman again.

  2. I learned early in life (I was 10) that horror movies are not my thing. My parents finally gave in and let me see The Return of the Fly and some movie about alligator people and quick sand. Had nightmares for weeks. Never again. Give me Hallmark Christmas Movies.

  3. We made it through another one with no catastrophes. Yay.

  4. I'm not much on scary movies and haven't watched them since the kids left home.
    they loved them and coundln't get enough of watching them over and over. Seems like life is scary enough all by itself these days.It was a good Friday the 13th here a my house.

  5. It was Friday the 13th and I missed this. OUCH. Just checking back been under the weather for a few days.... I was never a fan of horror. But some folk think I could fit in one of the movies. LOL


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