Monday, December 15, 2014


It wasn't that cold this even, but I got a little wet when I ran to the truck after work. It was only a fleeting shower, but it was enough to run down the neck of my sweater and soak my sox.  The forecast said it was only 53 degrees, but it felt as cold as the picture below.

I'm not sure what's happened the last year or so, but in the past, I rarely remember getting cold. It was almost as if my thermostat was on a sliding scale.

I'd wear a jacket if I thought about it, but it was no big deal if I forgot it. That's not the case now.

I guess that's another feature of getting older.


  1. The snow picture is lovely. In the winter months I wear an insulated vest almost always--indoors and out. Keep warm!

  2. I always have a hat and a pair of gloves handy. Mrs. C . makes fun of me except when sh is shivering and I am not. Of course then I give her my gloves and then I shiver...hmmm maybe that;s why she never needs to bring them.

  3. Your temperature sounds pretty good to me about now. Lovely photo, Rick.

  4. I tend to be hot most of the time. It needs to be freezing for me to put on a coat.

  5. I always try to leave ponchos and blankets in the car. You never know when you will need them.

  6. This time of year, the weather can change so fast. Here, one day it's warm and the next day, I need to dress in layers.
    Beautiful photo though.

  7. It's 68 degrees at 7 p.m. It was in the seventies today. And yes, I'm a show off.


  8. Nice picture I like pictures like this just saying

  9. I use to love seeing the snow fall, but now it just means I am going to be cold to the bone...I needed to move somewhere warmer!


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