Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yesterday I broke up a small plot in our gardent to plant some turnip greens. As I wrestled with the old tiller, I could smell wood smoke off in the distance. Things have gotten dry the last few weeks and I worried that wildfires would haunt us again this fall.
My apprehension eased a little when I watched the forecast last night. The weatherman said we're in for a 'change in the weather'.
I had to work late again tonight and I headed for the truck just before dark. The sky looked gray as a gun barrel and I could smell rain coming from toward the south. As I drove home drops of rain hit the windshield of my truck now and then.
As I sit here writing, I can hear waves of heavy bands of rain on the roof and it sounds like a good round of applause. The temps will drop down into the 40's tonight and by Sunday, we'll be scurrying for our long johns.
I'm ready to kick back and rest these weary bones.

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