Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Sinking In

I woke up this morning to the sound of hailstones rattling the roof. I got up and looked out toward the barn, but it was still too dark to see.
I flipped on the weather channel and saw a narrow band of thunderstorms racing toward the east. It was obvious the storm would be over soon,  so went back to bed and spent the rest of the early morning hours thinking.
After coffee, I drove out to career center to see if I qualified for any job training after I leave AT&T.  I recently bought some new Adobe software and I really want to become proficient so that I can design and produce stunning graphics. I want the design of all my websites to be remarkable. I can take decent pictures, but producing quality graphics requires both talent and skill. I'm hoping the job training can help with the skill part. 
When I returned home it was just after lunch and I took the dogs out for a walk. The sun was warm but the breeze out of the west was cool but perfect for a walk. The barn was highlighted by the afternoon sun and the sky was the color blue of a 1956 baby blue T-Bird.
I walked down to the rock and sat for a long while soaking in what turned out to be a stunning day.
As I sat there with one of my dogs scrunched in close beside me with his head sticking out from under my arm, it finally sunk in that I'm about to be without gainful employment for the first time in over thirty three years. A smile crept across my face.

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