Sunday, May 06, 2012


Jilda felt much better today. We headed out to the plant store early and bought more tomatos, peppers, squash, eggplant, and a truck full of flowers.
We took it slow, but she loves this kind of work -- where she gets dirt under her fingernails. 
This evening before sunset, we took our tea, and sat out on the back deck to admire our handiwork.
The hummingbirds had already discovered the newly planted flowers and were staking out claims.
We bought mandevilla plants last year, and they bloomed until autumn. I decided to see if they would winter in the great room, so I hauled them in.
Every time we'd have a few warm days in a row during the winter, I'd haul the plants out to the deck for some fresh air.
The mandevillas made it.  I hung them on the arbor several weeks ago, and they began putting tendrils which I wrapped around the top beams of the arbor. They started blooming today.
The weatherman predicted rain today, but the sun came out midmorning making this an extraordinary Sunday. But tonight I hear thunder in the distance. 
Maybe we'll get a shower in the night. I know the things we planted today will rejoice.
Y'all have a remarkable week.


  1. Thanks and you too I am sure the plants will grow well.

  2. So good that Jilda felt good and could garden! I bet the plants are beautiful.

  3. Happy healthy thoughts going out to you and Jilda!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  4. am so glad your wife is feeling like doing some of her favorite things. I am unclear, is she sick? Enjoy your handiwork!

  5. Anonymous4:28 PM

    happy Jilda feeling better!

  6. I'm so glad Jilda had a good day. God bless you both.

    Janie Lola


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