Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thinking About the New Year

This year is winding on down and will soon be history and I've spent a lot of time over the past week thinking about the things that will improve my life over the coming year.
One of my goals this coming year is to reconnect with old friends that have slipped away for one reason or another. Sometimes the reason we lose touch with friends is a change in circumstance or interests. Sometimes it's a change in lifestyles, distance and sometimes death.
Our families have consumed a great deal of our time over the past few years. Our friends would invite us to a party, to dinner or to travel and it was just not possible because we had responsibilities that disallowed our participation. We've never parted with friends because of hard feelings. That's not to say that we've never had a disagreement with friends but we simply have never allowed those disagreements to develop into hard feelings.
So this year, it is our intention to write more letters and to visit more. To have more outings, parties, and impromptu try our best to make up for the times we missed out.
I'm excited about the new year. I hope you are too.

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