Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Changing Sky

I had meetings early this morning and when I stepped outside, I heard something buzzing near my head.
I glanced over tentatively and saw a female hummingbird not much bigger than a moth flapping her wings (I looked this up) at 33 times a second. That's almost a thousand times a minute. No wonder they basically live on sugar.
I thought for a moment that she might alight on my sleeve, but instead she darted up and landed on the branch of one of our lemon trees that's summering outside in front of our great room windows.
Driving west I noticed the light has changed. I saw crimson sumac leaves. They usually lead the charge to autumn.
It's been an unusual year. I don't recall it ever having rained this much, but Jilda assures me that we had a wet summer back in the early 90s. I had to take her word for it.
I looked in the photo archives and found a picture of an October sky. I thought I'd share it tonight.


  1. Beautiful sky....
    I'm looking forward to fall; I can smell it and feel it in the air already!

  2. Rick - I love that hummingbirds can eat their own weight each and every day, and still not gain weight. Must be because they can flap their little wings so fast.

    We saw two or three scarlet locust tree leaves yesterday - and it is only mid-August; but we are in the foothills and autumn comes earlier than down in the Sacramento Valley.
    Good travel to you. Hope your meetings went well.

  3. This sky looks like a painting.... how beautiful that you caught the essence with your camera :)

  4. I'm seeing many things that signal the beginning to the end of summer. Sigh.

  5. Yes this has been one of the rainest years on record. We already have the 6th rainiest summer in the history of Lexington, KY and we still have over a month to go!

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Your picture is gorgeous!!

  7. Beautiful sky! It feels like October here..47de. tonight! We've had a very wet summer too. My grass is as green as spring! I actually live on sugar too, but I'm bigger than a moth..more like a teradactyl!


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