Sunday, January 29, 2017

That kind of Sunday

The frost this morning covered the fields behind the house like a thin silver blanket. I looked through the great room windows while we sipped coffee and saw that the wind out of the north was making the pines sway as if they'd had too much to drink.

When I stepped out to feed the chickens, I had on my thermal shirt, but the wind cut through that so I hustled back inside for a jacket.

On the walk to the mailbox to pick up the Sunday paper, I noticed out jonquils are budding. They haven't bloomed out yet, but the ones in our neighbor's yard were in full bloom. Those flowers like to be first in class.

It's been a laid back day here. We slept until 7 a.m. but spent much of the day relaxing, reading, and doing small chores around the house. It's been that kind of Sunday here.


  1. Oh to see some flowers in special is that

  2. Gotta have a day of rest.

  3. Daffodils and jonquils are sunshine on stalks aren't they?

  4. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Again--a beautiful photo!!

  5. I have a lot of jonquils but they rarely bloom, only bud. If they do bloom its later than the rest of the neighbors.

  6. Last week we enjoyed a taste of spring and I noticed new shoots on the Iris plants, a sign of spring like your Jonquils However today it's hovering right around freezing and we've been hit with several inches of new snow. For us Winter isn't leaving any time soon.

  7. I love those kinds of Sundays... I need a day like that just for reading. We had that silvery frost this morning here xox

  8. Nice to see some signs of spring already. It gives me hope. It's nice to have a laid back day once in a while.

  9. Your first paragraph was poetic. I could see the frost blanket and the drunken trees.

  10. Yeah I must parrot Emma above. I always enjoy reading here, it makes a good visit. BUT, but I love the contrast in color with the bright 'ellow' as my grand daughter says! 'tis her favorite color!

  11. Sounds like the best kind of Sunday.

  12. I won't see those yellow fellows for about 2 1/2 months yet! It's fun to see Spring where you pretty! Glad Sunday was a good one!

  13. Lovely flower, yellow is such a happy colour

  14. It's good to have a laid back day! Gorgeous photo! We usually don't have any blooms till around April!


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