Saturday, July 20, 2019


There is a shrub in our backyard that bears beautiful blossoms. It's a blazing star. The only downside is that monarch larva love the leaves. 
Even while the blossoms are showing out, the tiny worms are munching away on the leaves. Soon they will strip all the leaves off the bush leaving it naked except for brilliant red flowers.

I love the bush, but I also love the monarchs that will soon be aflutter in our backyard.


  1. You said it, there are a lot of trade offs in life, this one ain't bad. Nice pay off. Still get the flower beauty and the Monarch.
    Sherry & jack still north.

    1. Thanks Jack. I’m headed to your blog to see what you are up to.

  2. A compromise worth making.

    1. Indeed. Butterflies give me hope.

  3. Someday I would love to travel down to the Monarch grounds in S. Mexico (?).

  4. This is a beautiful flower plus you are helping the monarchs. We have milkweed for them and saw the caterpillars but i think the birds like the caterpillars because they seem to be gone as soon as we see them

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