Tuesday, December 27, 2011

End of Year Stuff

We haven't seen the sun since before Christmas. After the drought a few years ago, I made a promise to the Universe that I would never wish the rain would stop.
After coffee this morning, the rain did stop, but the wind out of the south west began to blow making the pine trees in our yard sway like dancing lovers.
Jilda's boss bought her a wind chime for Christmas and I put it up on the side porch yesterday. When I fed the birds this morning, I heard the new chime along with all the old ones we've had for some time. I love the sound of chimes in the wind.
The rain moved off to the east, but I had to wear a coat and a toboggan when we walked. At times I could still feel a cold mist on my face and it felt like I was standing in the surf on the beach.
Jilda took this week off from work. I can't remember the last time she took a week off work.
We've had a good time the last few days. We've visited old friends, straightened up in the house, and done things we've put off for too long.
We're driving into Birmingham tomorrow for a doctor's appointment for Jilda, but afterwards we're meeting our friends Kaye and Jamie for lunch at the Cajun Steamer. I think it's a chain restaurant, but they have po boys and I NEVER pass up a chance to have a po boy.
We've also spent time this week reflecting on the past year, and making plans for the new year.
I've been collecting pictures, and other stuff for my new Vision Board, and I know Jilda's been working on her's too.
Y'all have a great Wednesday.


  1. Nice to be able to spend time with your spouse especially when you can just enjoy some of that precious time.

  2. I can actually say hand on heart that I've heard and seen and know of "po boy". I think it was Clive James Goes to America or something on telly - but he stopped by this restaurant and had a "po boy". It was a BIG meaty sandwich!

    Take care

  3. We had the wind here but 68 degrees and this morning it's only in the 40's. Crazy weather. Glad you guys are enjoying your time together and that Jilda is relaxing(?). Happy New Year!

  4. Have a great week and enjoy your po boy! I've never done a vision board, but have seen them and may just have to try my hand at one. I'm cooking up some real changes for myself this new year and I need something to look at and inspire and remind me to keep going!

  5. Thanks to Old Kitty, I now don't have to ask you what a po boy is :-)


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