Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I shoot so many photographs these days that I will never use. Sometimes I have to bite the bullet, go
through the directories of photographs and cull ones that aren't quite good enough.
I was about to hit delete on this picture because the light was all wrong, which washed out the colors.
I'd taken a photograph from this very angle when we'd had a rare three-inch snow, which made a very interesting picture, but this one with the funky light seemed to be a likely candidate to trash.
Just before I hit the delete key, I thought.....why not run it through a couple Photoshop filters to see if it could be salvaged.
It turned out better than I had imagined. Don't you just love surprises.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I LOVE the way your photos come out looking like paintings!!

  2. Looks great! The colors are so vivid!

  3. I love good surprises like that too... your pictures are always interesting Rick :)

  4. Salvaged indeed. Awesome pic Rick.

  5. Photo turned out great! There are days I wish I could go over and Photoshop them to discover the hidden treasures I rushed by!

  6. Your photos always look like paintings. Maybe there's a secret desire to paint in there somewhere. I bet you'd be great at details.


  7. Cool photo. I think I enjoy the taking of the picture more than looking back at mine. I usually just delete my pictures after I've looked at them or put them on my blog.

  8. REALLY did a good job here. Turned out nice!!

  9. That's a cool picture. What are you talking about!


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