Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fall Daisys

I'm starting to see fall daisies. They grow in abundance on the road to the interstate. On September and October mornings before the frost comes, you can see them glowing in the morning sun.
They brighten my day.
I've dug up clumps of them and transplanted them to the bank near my mailbox but so far they haven't taken root. If anyone has any insight as to how to make them live, I'd love to hear it.
I'm a little pensive and preoccupied tonight. My friend and co-work Brian who lives in Miami has not felt well for the last few weeks. I badgered him into going to the doctor. The ENT doctor gave him medicine but set up a catscan this afternoon. His wife called a while ago saying the doctor that did the catscan sent them to the emergency room. It seems he has some kind of fluid on his brain. I'm not sure what that serious it is but my mind is elsewhere just now. I choose to believe that he will be fine.

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