Monday, August 30, 2010

Jilda and I drove into town one day last week. We were running a little late for an appointment, but made good time until we hit the Birmingham city limits at which point traffic came to a screeching halt. It seems there was a wreck off the side of the road, and everyone had to stop, have a look, and then move on. I changed lanes a few times, but each new lane seemed to move slower than the old one. 
I finally picked a lane and crawled through town, arriving at our appointment thirty minutes late. During the snail race, I had time to reflect.
When I was "jobbed" I drove into town daily. It was not uncommon to be stuck in traffic for forty five minutes or longer. I thought to myself during our latest mission, "I really miss this." 
I miss traffic jams almost as much as I miss mind numbing conference call, petty office politics, and paying a premium price for mediocre food at the company cafeteria.
The thing is, since I've been away from the corporate world, I haven't gritted my teeth one time. I haven't been awakened late at night by people upset because their computers are broken.
I do miss my friends at work. I still stay in touch and each time I talk to them while they are working, I can hear the stress and frustration in their voices. 
I feel their pain because it was not that long ago, I was in their shoes.
I am thankful that things worked out the way they did. I got to leave the company on my terms. My future is up to me and the Good Lord.  
It is my intention to heed the advice of Robert Frost and take the road less traveled by.

1 comment:

  1. Ken Owens12:31 PM

    May the Lord Bless you.

    May the Lord Keep you.

    May the Lord lift up His divine countenance upon you.

    And give you Peace.



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