I walked down to the field this evening after sunset to put some corn out for the deer. The air was brisk. It sounds odd to say that because last week I was whining about the heat, but I was glad I had on a long sleeve tee shirt this evening.
Off to the the west, the trees at the edge of our garden were silhouettes against a butterscotch sky. I love this time of year.
I'm not sure how much fall color we'll have, but the goldenrods are beginning to show out.
I went fishing for a while this morning, but the water was too swift so I sat in the sun by the water and watched the clouds.
I used to do that a lot when I was a kid.
When I got older, I could never find the time. I guess I thought there were always more important things to do than to spend an hour thinking and looking at the sky.
This past year, I've come to understand that finding time sit still and embrace the silence is one of the most important things you can do. It gives you the opportunity to see things more clearly.
A line in a song that our friend Steve does goes, "The important part of fishing ain't the fish, but the fishing".
I could not agree more.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the idea--I hadn't ever thought of it. I live in Tulsa, and I don't know that the Tulsa World would be interested--it's a pretty big paper. For all I know, they may have a column already--I don't read it. :) I will think about it, though. Thanks for the vote of confidence--that you suggested it means you think I could actually do it!
tm (Tracy)
And, I love this post. I am a big fan of sitting outside and watching the world go by. If there is water, that is a bonus, but sometimes just in my neighborhood I can find hundreds of things to find joy in.