Friday, February 09, 2018

Change of plans

Do you remember earlier in the week when I said we'd be going to the beach soon? Having read that statement, you may have been under the impression that we would be going to the beach soon, but you would have been wrong. We had a change of plans.

Jilda had some issues, plus the weather at the beach and here will be brutal. The weatherman issued a flood warning.  We could also have destructive storms moving through. The beach is a beautiful thang but I like to be close to home when the weather gets bad. So we rescheduled.

It will be good when we get there.


  1. It will be there waiting for you.

  2. if nothing else in life, we learn to be flexible. I've had many plans changed at a moments notice. I hope Jilda feels better soon and that you get to make that trip to the beach soon too!

  3. Playing it safe is very wise. Sorry about the disappointment but winter has tricks of it's own when it come to travel. Cancellations occurs frequently.

    That's a great picture, you glow like a saint. Old Saint Rick
    Hugs, Julia

  4. Very good reason to reschedule, you will enjoy it much better when the weather improves.

  5. I was glad to hear you were waiting for better weather and for Jilda to feel better. Hopefully soon is the best time.

  6. Hopefully the next scheduled visit will bring some good weather for you. It's raining 2-4 inches here in middle Tn this weekend.

  7. Yep, the shore ain't going anywhere, it will be waiting. I remember a teacher one saying and it really stuck with me. "Remember THINGS are subject to change." Not earth shaking, but just a reality..


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