Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A place of honor

Ol' Hook has made every step I've made today. I'm not sure why some days he doesn't want to be in the same zip code and other days he wants on my lap. All 90 pounds of him. Today he's been a lap dog.

I hauled my computer bag out to the screen porch after coffee. Actually, I took my last cup with me as I wrote my column for Sunday's paper. Hook had been snoozing on his bed by the front windows, but when he realized I was no longer on the couch, he came in pursuit.

The door was closed to keep the bought air from escaping, but he started barking for me to let him out. He is persistant. I could ignore him for a while, but I've learned that he will not stop.

The ceiling fan silently whurred overhead, which made it comfortable for me, but it was warm for him. He found a spot and laid down.

I stood up and stretched when I finished the column. He must have sensed the movement because he stood, stretched, and sat down leaning against my leg. His behavior reminded me of Ol' Buddy.

If you've followed my blog for a while, I've written about Ol' Buddy before. He was my sidekick for years before developing cancer. Once afflicted, he lasted less than a month. It broke my heart when I lost him. I have this picture of him in my office.

One day, Ol' Hook will hold a place of honor in my office too.


  1. Love the picture of Ol' Buddy!

  2. Love hearing about Ol Hook.

  3. And both of them will always have a place of honour in your (crowded) heart.

  4. Some dogs have needy days or feel that their human is needy that day. It is wonderful that Ol'Hook Knows he has someone who cares.

  5. Ol’ Buddy is cute! Hook has also been a good dog. I remember reading about the day you found him.

  6. Dogs are such great companions and sometimes know when we happen to need them close. How wonderful you've had a good one and still have another one.

  7. I’m Back from Vancouver and trying to deal with jet lag. I love the pic of Ole’ Buddy and think it sweet how he needs to be near you. I miss my Katie girl

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I think Ol' Hook already has his place of honor in your heart!!


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