Monday, April 03, 2006


It's amazing what a few warm spring days can do. It was only a few days ago the grass was brown and bitten close to the ground by frost. Then the sun comes out and warms the earth and all of a sudden the world turns as green as a new John Deere tractor.
I was on the plane from Colorado Springs with a lady who came through the south on the way to New York City to visit her daughter. When she looked out of the window as we started our desent into Atlanta she exclaimed WOW! I can't believe how green it is here. I told her she hasn't seen anything yet. Come back a another week and the entire south will be lush and verdant as a rain forest.
The cycle of life both in nature and in higher life forms is remarkable. Indeed nature is often used as a metaphor for life. Life so closely mirroring the seasons. Just when you think winter will never end you start seeing a few daffodils, some yellowbells, then some bradford pear trees start to bloom and then just before Easter you have dogwoods. We have hundreds of dogwoods on our property but there's one in our front yard that looks like a fluffy cloud right now. The flowers on this magnificent tree are white as bolls of cotten.
I think a mentioned a few entries back about the collard field near our house. With the time change, I was able to catch it in good light and I stopped to shoot the photo above.
I hope you all like spring and the rebirth of green as much as I.

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