Saturday, February 22, 2014

Buy Local

These last few days have been beautiful. Before we left Friday, I stepped down to check the blueberry bushes and they are very close to blooming. They're beautiful, but it's unfortunate they want to get a head start on spring, because winters not finished yet.
Next week the temps are plummeting again so I'm afraid my blueberries will lose ground.
Yesterday evening as I unloaded our sound equipment I noticed the sun setting to the west. The restaurant where we played is on the square created by the courthouse.
I pulled the iPhone from my pocket and snapped this picture. There wasn't a lot of time for evaluation, so I shoved the camera back into the pocket of my jeans and hefted one of the 60-pound speakers inside.
Today as I called the photo up, I was surprised at how the picture turned out.
Kosciusko is a small town in Mississippi that's trying to revitalize the downtown area.
Like most small towns, it's an uphill battle. Even though people want a vibrant downtown area, they often opt for convenience and spend their dollars at Walmart and other big-box stores out on the highway.
People want the most for their money, but sometimes they look at the short view. For example, last fall we needed a mop. I could have bought an American made mop from the Lion's Club for around $10, but it wasn't convenient.  So, I bought one made somewhere overseas at Walmart for five or six dollars. It was convenient.
A few days ago I spilled some chicken broth and when I fetched the mop to clean up my mess, the red paint flecked off the handle and a sliver sliced into the skin between my thumb and forefinger. Ouch. A little over three months (less than a dozen uses) and the mop must be replaced.
Had I opted for the less convenient option and bought an American made mop from the Lion's Club, I could probably have put the mop in my will to pass on to my heirs.
I said all that to say this -- there's a lot to be said for small businesses on the town square. Most of them sell products and services that are made here. They may cost a little more, but when you look at the long view, and realize they are better products, they are a bargain. Buying these products creates jobs, and deliver better service to your over the long haul. So whenever possible, buy local.


  1. buying local.
    Beautiful photograph. The sky is phenomenal.
    Hope those blueberry bushes weather this upcoming cold spell.

    1. P.S. "Maintain Soil Moisture for Blueberries -- Growers who have hose reel, hose pull, or small portable irrigation systems can benefit from maintaining a moist soil during the period when frosts are possible. By increasing the amount of water in the soil, the soil will absorb more heat during the day and conduct more heat to the surface for plant protection. Maintaining a moist surface on peat and muck soils is especially important."
      (from NC State University)

    2. Thanks Jackie. I'd been looking for ways to protect our plants.

  2. I totally agree with you Rick.. buying local is so important. If I could I would always do this, it really is a much better quality :)

  3. Rick are you on Instagram?? You would LOVE it. Your photography would be perfect for it. Email me if you join and I'll send you my username so that we can follow one another on there. It's iPhone based and it has some amazing filters.

  4. Serendipitous photo. As is buying locally. No downtown could hold the huge numbers of autos in a box store lot, but it would only take a steady stream to keep the locals busy.

  5. Our downtown isn't anywhere near what it was when we moved here, or when Jack grew up here. However, there has been a good attempt to bring businesses back and a few new ones have brought some success. More events being set up downtown has been a good they're fun! I think we need more music!


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