Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Angel wings

Each year  a patch of weeds grow at the edge of my garden. In years past, I cut them down. But last year my weedeater died at the end of summer which gave the weeds a chance to show me something remarkable.

In October when the season changed, they began flowering. One evening when the setting sun highlighted them from behind, they looked the wings of angels. This year I couldn't bring myself to cut them down.

This afternoon I was mowing the field and when I saw the clouds move away from the evening sun, I cut the motor and reached for my camera and shot this picture.


  1. Gorgeous Rick... it's amazing how beauty grows wild ;-)

  2. Gorgeous Rick... it's amazing how beauty grows wild ;-)

  3. They look so soft and angelic.

  4. SWEET, I like your imagination along with a creative mind. WEEDEATERS have probably drawn more 'bad' words from me than any other machine. I have the gas porered (dead) I go back to the $1 electric one I bought at a yard sale.
    But taking advantage of the missed weed eating, is a sight and I am sure a pleasure. I love the catch...

  5. I think I blogged once about how pretty weeds can be. We have some lovely lavender colored flowered weeds that I don't pull out. Yours look beautiful!

  6. Ah, won over by the beauty of weeds....
    Ms Soup

  7. They say a weed is something we don't want growing in our yard, so your angel wings are net weeds at all. Beauty is everywhere when we take the time to look for it.

  8. It's amazing the various visual textures displayed by plants, and it's nice to be able to appreciate that beauty.
    (My weed trimmer leaks gas where the line feeds into it, so even though it works, I can't use it because it drenches my clothes in gas.)

  9. That is beautiful. I would never have thought it was a weed. It looks like some kind of grass that you planted there.

  10. I can see the angels in there. That is a beautiful picture.

  11. If the secret of your weeds gets out, plant-nursery business will suffer. They're beautiful!


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