Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bush hogging beast

I've been fighting privets and mimosas for years. Each summer I spend entire weekends cutting small
sections and dragging them to the burn pile.

It seemed that when I got to the end of one area, they had sprouted back up where I started. I said things the could likely have me in the hot seat on judgment day.

Jilda and I decided to hire a bush hogging service. He came out about a month ago and walked the property with me. He said it would take about four hours to cut down the underbrush and mulch it. When I looked around, I had my doubts but decided to leave it to the professionals.

He showed up at 1:30 this afternoon, and at 5;30 he was pulling his bush cutting tractor back onto his truck.

The place looks fantastic. I was too tired to shoot pictures of the finished project, but I'll do that tomorrow.

Tonight I'm weary, but I'm happy.


  1. An artist at his work. I am looking forward to the pictures you didn't show today.

  2. You tired from all that work you didn't have to do?

  3. Sometimes you need a little help.

  4. Wow. Colour me a tad jealous.

  5. I am looking forward to the after pictures. It's always neat when you see a huge difference in just a few short hours

  6. Looking forward to see the result.
    Hugs, Julia

  7. All I gotta say is 'Them dudes can do some damage' in a short time. Much faster (for some reason) than the International with a bush hog behind at about 3 mph@!

  8. Yes, show us before and after pictures.

  9. But a mimosa is champagne and orange juice. Only a crazy person would destroy a mimosa!


    1. It was a tragic lapse of judgment.

    2. I may never recover from my disappointment in you.


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