Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Flowers in ivy

It's been hot and dry here. We planted the garden this past weekend and we've had to water it almost daily. I was beginning to be concerned until I saw the weather forecast yesterday ago. A tropical depression moving across the Florida Keys was coming into the Gulf. That usually means rain is on the way.

Today, I had early morning interviews and two more after lunch. As I climbed into my truck, I heard thunder in the distance. By the time I got a few miles away, the rain fell so hard that my wipers were sweeping it off, even on high.

About 20 minutes after it started, the clouds raced off to the south. That looked strange to me because the storm is coming from the south, but apparently, the storm is causing swirls and this was one of the swirls.  It's confusing unless you're used to the weird weather.

I did get a chance to get in a short walk and I came upon yellow flowers in a patch of poison ivy.

I kept my distance because I'm allergic to poison ivy, but I did get close enough to snap a photo. They don't look like daisies, but I'm not sure what they are. Your thoughts?


  1. Not ones I know but I would certainly suspect the daisy family. Fortunately we don't get poison ivy here.

  2. I get itchy just looking at that stuff.

  3. Poison Ivy, I used to wonder what it felt like, I have never been allergic to it. Now nearing 80 my body failed me. Now I do know how it feels. LOL I have a little rash on my arms after digging and pulling it at grandsons house. OLD changes the body I guess!

  4. Leave it to you to find the beauty in the poison ivy. Nature always provides a blessing or two for sure. Glad you got your much needed rain. We finally have a day free of rain here but there are still large puddles in the yard. It'll take a while to dry out.

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Pretty as they are, I wouldn't reach in to pick a bouquet!!

  6. Even tho I lived on a farm and raced through wood, I never had a problem with poison ivy. My brothers did, but I attributed that to them being evil and mean.

  7. I only get a little reaction to poison ivy but I try to stay far away. We have lots of it here in our woods. I have no clue about the yellow flowers but I will say one nice thing about poison ivy...it always turns a bright red in Fall and looks pretty on the tree trunks!

  8. I don’t know what the flowers are but they are pretty. Looking at that poison ivy brings back horrible memories. Back in 1987, I was covered from head to toe and I not only had an itchy, very itchy, rash but I went from red colour to shades of purple and my whole body swelled up including my face. My eye swelled comple5ely shut and I had to go to the hospital and get an adrenaline shot. I finally got relief by soaking in ice water. It was a nightmare


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